The Sheehan Show
Monday, August 19, 2013
Carson's First Day of 2 Year Old Preschool
My mama's boy started preschool today. I can't believe how fast he has grown and how fast the years have flown by. More importantly, I cannot believe we dropped him off with NO TEARS!!!!! This is the kid who cries at every drop off and is red faced with swollen eyes when we pick him up. Today he acted like he was 4 and owned the place. He ran in, gave his teacher a hug and sat right down and started playing with some cars. I actually had to go over to him to kiss him and say goodbye. Then he waved to Tanner and I when we were walking out with a happy face. This little guy never ceases to amaze us at how smart and grown-up he seems. I am so proud of him for going off to his Froggy class happy and all grown up!
I know some of you see Kenzie's sign in this pic and might be wondering why she is on round 2 of holding that up. No, it is not just because she wanted a sign because Carson had one. We started Kindergarten all over again today! We found out last week that she was getting moved to a brand new K class they created to alleviate overcrowding in all the classes. Big win for the school - smaller classes for everyone. But another bump on the road for us - moving to a new class, new teacher, new friends. It is a good thing we have a bright, lively, outgoing Kenzie-Bo as our daughter. She did a lot better with this transition than mommy did. She came home excited and saying she made two new friends - yay! I feel confident this is part of the path God is sending us down in order for her to wind up in the exact right place for her this year. We are excited for the change and hope Mrs. Roberts is the best K teacher ever!
Overall, I feel emotionally exhausted from all the change and transitions over the past several weeks, but I know our babies are in good hands with these teachers and I feel blessed and happy to have them. Here's to hoping we have a fabulous school year!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Still Smiling
Still happy after putting in a full day as a big Kindergartener! I am so thankful for this precious girl!
Mackenzie's First Day of Kindergarten
What a day to celebrate - Mackenzie's first day of Kindergarten! She was bright eyed and genuinely pretty excited to go this morning other than complaining of waking up when it was dark. She told me she could not wait to do work at her new desk. We were allowed to walk her into her class this morning, which was great for all of us, but Carson. He pitched a loud, crying fit the entire time because he was stuck with Daddy while Mommy concentrated on Sissy. Despite that, we got our little princess to class on time and made sure she would know how to walk in by herself tomorrow. She was a little hesitant at the door, but walked right to her desk hoping to hang her new princess book bag on the hooks like she did at preschool. I have a friend that works at the school who has texted me a few updates that she had a crying moment this morning, but she stayed with her to calm her down and by lunch she was doing great and looked like she was having fun. What a blessing to have another mommy there helping me know she is doing okay!
As far as me, today has been emotional to say the least. I am excited for her and proud of her starting off on her own in a new, strange place, but I am weepy at the same time. I miss her. It seems silly for me to be sad about her starting Kindergarten, but I am. I can recognize that this is not a bad problem or even a real one, others have much harder things to face, but I can't help it - I miss my Kenzie-Bo! I can't image what it will be like to send her off to college - yall might have to rescue me from the looney bin. Ha!
All in all, I am blessed to have such a smart, sweet, bright-eyed little lady that will do awesome at big girl school this year!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Happy Easter!
Wow - is it already May and I am just now posting Easter pictures? Oops! That seems to be the trend these days - the busier and busier we get, the less time Mama has for hobbies, such as pictures and blogging. We had a wonderful Easter this year - we spent a relaxing Saturday in beautiful weather at church and out to dinner with my family. Then it rained all day Easter Sunday. You might think that would be a bad thing, but we actually loved it. It was a forced day to stay home and enjoy family time. Tanner cooked us some amazing meals and we did no less than 20 egg hunts all around the house!
Monday, March 4, 2013
"CAR"son turns 2!
"Car"son turned two in January right about the time we realized how much he was embracing his name. He is car obsessed - all day, all night, everywhere. He gathers up as many as possible in his hands (caught by the camera above) and wants to carry them everywhere he goes - bed, bathtub, upstairs, downstairs, in the car, to the store, etc. This may be true of all little boys at this stage, but it is so endearing to us to see our little baby all grown up, carting his cars around and making car noises all over the house. He has turned into a little buddy that melts our hearts with the funny things he says and makes us laugh with his neverending clumsiness. Kenzie even gets a kick out of the hilarious things he tells her and comes to report the funny sentences to us. She is also there to help him gather all his cars from point A to point B. All three of us adore this little guy and are so thankful we were blessed with him two years ago!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
'The Boat'

'The Boat' has been such a big part of our life for about six months now, so I thought I might as well introduce it to our family and friends. You might be saying to yourself 'I don't see a boat' or 'What boat?', and well, you would be right. There is not a boat per say, but the kiddos have named Carson's closet and the blue Aerobed that they sit on 'The Boat'. The Boat has been the source of hours of fun for them while mommy is doing chores. Their favorite thing to do in the boat is read although games, puzzles, cars, trains and tents have all been a part of the fun. They usually pile more books than I can imagine in the boat and just sit there and read together. Sometimes I even catch Kenzie reading to Carson and Carson answering Kenzie's questions from the books. Of course, I also find carson standing and jumping in his hamper too. ;)
We have come to love the boat and this is one simple, cute thing of their childhood that I hope they do not outgrow anytime soon and also hope they will remember. I am glad I got a picture of it to capture the memory for years to come.
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