"Car"son turned two in January right about the time we realized how much he was embracing his name. He is car obsessed - all day, all night, everywhere. He gathers up as many as possible in his hands (caught by the camera above) and wants to carry them everywhere he goes - bed, bathtub, upstairs, downstairs, in the car, to the store, etc. This may be true of all little boys at this stage, but it is so endearing to us to see our little baby all grown up, carting his cars around and making car noises all over the house. He has turned into a little buddy that melts our hearts with the funny things he says and makes us laugh with his neverending clumsiness. Kenzie even gets a kick out of the hilarious things he tells her and comes to report the funny sentences to us. She is also there to help him gather all his cars from point A to point B. All three of us adore this little guy and are so thankful we were blessed with him two years ago!