Halloween was so much fun this year! The neighborhood seemed a little more festive, there were tons of trick or treators out really early and Kenzie got to go door to door with her bestie Seth. She had so much fun and loved chowing down on her candy when she got home. She even tried to sneakily eat a last piece after daddy said no more by hiding under the table. She definitely has my sweet tooth - my parents probably caught me doing that every halloween as well. Carson was a long for the ride in his wagon, but mostly preoccupied himself with the wheels, hardware and holes in the wagon instead of the halloween festivities. He spent most of the time doubled over investigating the wagon floor.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Big Springs Farm
We had a wonderful fall, family day at big springs farm when Mema and CB came to visit. What a cute place - we saw farm animals, jumped in the bouncy house and went for a hay ride. Enjoy the pics!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Carson - 9 months
What is Carson up to at 9 months you might ask? Well, what is he not up to or should I say into. He is a little tornado all over the house. Still a sweet, precious baby, but a tornado none the less. Here are some pictures of his latest adventures.
Farm Day

Kenzie had Farm Day at school on Tuesday. A mobile petting zoo (who knew they had those?) came and set up shop so the kids could love on some cute, cuddly farm animals. I must say, I like the idea because you get to see all the animals without the farm stench. My favorite part was when Kenzie figured out she could take the pony's leash off of the post he was stuck too and walk off with him. They only got a few steps away before the pony stuck his nose in my behind and snorted. I guess he wanted to get my attention so I could rescue him from the wild farmgirl. There is nothing Kenzie loves more than a party - she ran all around, had a great time and loved getting dressed up! The Wee School is such a blessing for her and us - we all love it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
On the move
Carson is crawling and pulling up on everything in sight. He is like a bull in a china shop! We considered our house pretty well baby proofed from Kenzie, but Carson is proving us wrong. He has already pull over end tables, lamps, pulled off the fireplace doors and gotten into all unlocked drawers. He has a fascination with cabinet knobs and will do everything he can to grab them, pull up on them and keep reaching higher and higher.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
7 months old
The seven month mark came with a new face last week. There is also a new noise to go along with this face, but I am not sure how to put that in to words. Carson also figured out that he can get around and get to anything he wants to. He is not yet doing a tradition crawl - sometimes it is an army drag, sometimes an inch worm slither, sometimes a scoot - - not quite sure how to put it into words either. All I know is that he can get anywhere now and won't stay still for 2 seconds once he is down on the floor!
Kenzie's First Day of School!
She did great - no tears at drop off and was just as excited to go again today. The only bad news is she would not tell me hardly anything about it - I got no info out of her! The only thing she was happy to tell me when she got home was that she did not eat all over her lunch and she had to finish eating it at home. Ha!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
6 month and 3 year photo shoot
There is no better way to freeze how precious your babies are than in pictures. I might go a little overboard on portraits each year, but I love being able to look back at how adorable my kids are at every stage. Carson hit the 6 month mark and Kenzie turned three and here are their adorable faces:
Now for the entertainment. The whole event of taking both kids for a photo shoot is completely exhausting. I know any mom can attest to that. However exhausting and stressed and frazzled you are at the end, there is still enough humor to make you laugh all the way through it. Here are some of the funnier bloopers - enjoy!
Now for the entertainment. The whole event of taking both kids for a photo shoot is completely exhausting. I know any mom can attest to that. However exhausting and stressed and frazzled you are at the end, there is still enough humor to make you laugh all the way through it. Here are some of the funnier bloopers - enjoy!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
6 months and going strong
Strong - that is Carson in a nutshell! Actually, he is so strong there is no way you can confine him to a shape even close to a nutshell. The little wiggle worm prefers to stand, will hardly let you wrestle him into your arms to rock and actively scoots or rolls to get to anything he wants to. His latest move is scooting towards anything that he can grab onto to try and help pull him to a sitting/crawling/standing position. I would be shocked if he wasn't crawling by 7 months - he tries with all his might to do it everyday now.
Now for the gushy stuff - our little Carson is the sweetest, cutest, most chill little man ever. We are amazed daily at his adorable, even tempered, tolerant (of sissy of course), inquisitive and happy demeanor. We are so blessed to have had this wonderful little angel in our lives for the last six months!
Now for the gushy stuff - our little Carson is the sweetest, cutest, most chill little man ever. We are amazed daily at his adorable, even tempered, tolerant (of sissy of course), inquisitive and happy demeanor. We are so blessed to have had this wonderful little angel in our lives for the last six months!
My little princess turns 3!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Carson's View of the World . . .
. . . just got a little more upright!

He is officially sitting up at five and a half months and he loves it. In fact, when he topples over, he is already trying to squirm and scoot to try and get back to a sitting position. He also loves the new perspective it gives him to watch anything and everything big sissy is up to. She is still his favorite person by far!
He is officially sitting up at five and a half months and he loves it. In fact, when he topples over, he is already trying to squirm and scoot to try and get back to a sitting position. He also loves the new perspective it gives him to watch anything and everything big sissy is up to. She is still his favorite person by far!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thank you doesn't say enough . . .
. . . to the most wonderful daddy and hubby in the world! Sunday we celebrated Tanner's birthday and father's day at home, just the four of us. It felt like a normal, relaxing day (if having a three year old and a 5 month old is considered relaxing). However, there is nothing just normal about Tanner. He has been the best and most supportive husband a girl could ask for over the last five months when our home life changed dramatically. He is a man who puts his family first, is involved in everything at home from cleaning to cooking to bottle washing to kid's schedules and still finds time to bring home the bacon and keep the best yard on the block. I love him for everything he does to try and make my life better and easier on a daily basis. From Kenzie, Carson and I - thanks for all you do for us daddy!

Five months have already past . . . really?
I cannot believe my baby boy is five months old!! Seriously, where is the time going? He has grown up in the blink of an eye and well, actually, he has blown up too! Ha! We definitely have a big boy on our hands. My guess is he will be over 20 pounds by his 6 month check up. His chubby thighs might make you think he is too big to move, but our little guy is a mover and a shaker. He is rolling all over the place (can't keep him confined), starting to try and scoot or sort of army crawl on his belly, sleeping on his belly now and about to sit up!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
If they were born at the same time, they'd be twins!
So I was at the doctor yesterday getting Carson's ears checked because he has his first cold and even the nurse says "oh my goodness, he looks just like his sister" and Kenzie wasn't even with me! I figured it was time to post some comparison pictures so everyone can see how similar they really look as babies. I call them our little twins. Sometimes when I look down at Carson, all I can see is Kenzie when she was a baby. Carson has about 5 pounds on her at this age and a lot less hair, but their little eyes, noses and mouths look just alike. I am not sure how long it will last, but l love their precious baby faces just how they are right now!
(I am having issues with one pic showing up in the slideshow - just click on the first picture and it will bring up picasaweb and you can see all the pics there)
(I am having issues with one pic showing up in the slideshow - just click on the first picture and it will bring up picasaweb and you can see all the pics there)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Easter 2011
We had a wonderful Easter weekend with family. We were fortunate to spend time with Mema, CB, Mimi, Noni, Popi, Chet, Brook, Keaton and Brook's parents. We are so lucky to be loved by and have the opportunity to love so many wonderful family members.
My favorite Easter moment was during church. We brought Carson into the service because I am too much of a germaphobe to put him in the nursery yet. He was such a good boy the whole time. Tanner was holding him and he barely made a sound minus some small gurgles and coos. However, at the very end of the service when the pastor was praying and asked new believers to accept Jesus as their lord and savior - Carson decided to speak up. He made a short, but loud cry and Tanner bolted down the aisle and out to the hallway. Some might think it is a tad early, but I guess my boy already proclaimed he loves Jesus - thank heavens for that! Ha!
My favorite Easter moment was during church. We brought Carson into the service because I am too much of a germaphobe to put him in the nursery yet. He was such a good boy the whole time. Tanner was holding him and he barely made a sound minus some small gurgles and coos. However, at the very end of the service when the pastor was praying and asked new believers to accept Jesus as their lord and savior - Carson decided to speak up. He made a short, but loud cry and Tanner bolted down the aisle and out to the hallway. Some might think it is a tad early, but I guess my boy already proclaimed he loves Jesus - thank heavens for that! Ha!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Carson at 3 months
Wow - has it really been three months? I can't believe it! Time has gone by so quickly. While I am happy to have made it through the winter and the newborn stage, I must admit I am a little sad those days are over. I feel like Carson gets bigger and bigger everyday and is no longer my tiny little boy! He rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time this week and is still sleeping through the night every night. We are so lucky to be getting sleep this early - I am thankful for that everyday! Here are some pics of what ole 'Tarse' as Kenzie would say has been up to this week as a big 3 month old:
Since I brought up the topic of Kenzie-isms, here are all of her self made nicknames for her little brother (in order of frequency of use):
Squeaker (pronounced: kee-uhh, explanation: Carson squeaked more than cried at first)
Squeak (pronounced: keek)
Wittle Buddy
Wittle Boy
She continues to amaze me as a big sister. My mommy moment this week was when she grabbed his hand and held it in Publix to help calm him down. It worked! He stopped crying and she held his hand for the last five minutes before we got in the car. Too sweet for words. I wish I would have snapped a picture with my phone so I could always remember that moment.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Light as a feather, stiff as a board
The full meaning of this title and picture cannot really be understood unless you have been around Carson. For those of you who haven't, the boy is super strong for a two month old. He is always arching his back and throwing his head back and refuses to bend normal, especially when you are trying to bend him over or lean him on your shoulder to burp him. This sounds like a mad baby or baby that is in pain, but he is typically very happy and still does this even when looking around the room or trying to get a glance of the ceiling fan.
In this pic, you might think I am throwing him up or bending his body to stick out - nope, none of the above. All I am doing is holding his little body to where any normal baby would hang down, dangling feet towards the floor. Not Carson. He arches his back so much and becomes stiff as a board that his whole body sticks out stiff and parallel to the floor. Like I said - light as a feather, stiff as a board.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Something to smile about
Carson is two months old - who-hoo! I cannot believe how fast the time is going by. I feel like my tiny brand new baby boy is gone and has been replaced by a big boy with an adorable smile and crazy hair! He gets cuter and cuter everyday.
Kenzie continues to be an amazing, sweet, caring, loving big sister. I never expected all of that from her and she surprises me everyday with how much of mommy's helper she is. The moment that melted my heart last week happened one night while tanner was at tennis. As usual, the bath and bed time routine was quite the hassle with only one mommy and two little ones. Carson had reached his max of patience while I was finishing getting Kenzie dressed for bed. He was in the master bath in his bouncy seat crying and Kenzie and I were in her room. She ran down to see about him and got there a good minute before me (I am sure I was cleaning up some mess some where). Things got awfully quiet in the bathroom - neither kid making any noise. As I rounded the corner, I was geared up to yell at Kenzie for doing something wrong (assuming the worst based on the lack of noise), but to my surprise, I found her kneeling on the bathroom floor slowly bouncing the bouncy seat to settle Carson down just like a little mommy. She had the sweetest look on her face like she knew she had helped make Carson happy. I was so proud and shed a few tears over the moment.
Kenzie continues to be an amazing, sweet, caring, loving big sister. I never expected all of that from her and she surprises me everyday with how much of mommy's helper she is. The moment that melted my heart last week happened one night while tanner was at tennis. As usual, the bath and bed time routine was quite the hassle with only one mommy and two little ones. Carson had reached his max of patience while I was finishing getting Kenzie dressed for bed. He was in the master bath in his bouncy seat crying and Kenzie and I were in her room. She ran down to see about him and got there a good minute before me (I am sure I was cleaning up some mess some where). Things got awfully quiet in the bathroom - neither kid making any noise. As I rounded the corner, I was geared up to yell at Kenzie for doing something wrong (assuming the worst based on the lack of noise), but to my surprise, I found her kneeling on the bathroom floor slowly bouncing the bouncy seat to settle Carson down just like a little mommy. She had the sweetest look on her face like she knew she had helped make Carson happy. I was so proud and shed a few tears over the moment.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
We did it and we survived
We took the plunge and decided to take our first car trip to Savannah with both kids. Everything went great - we only had to stop one time between both car trips! And it just so happened there was a Kroger at the exit we stopped at, so Tanner fed Carson sitting at the front of the store and Kenzie and I did the grocery shopping. Two things done at once! We had a wonderful time with the fam (as always) and Carson enjoyed getting to go to Mimi and Granddad's house for the first time. Here are some pics from the weekend:
Thursday, March 3, 2011
It's almost been a year since our last post . . .
. . . and a lot has happened in the Sheehan show. Here is our 2010 top ten list of all the things we missed sharing:
1. Tanner got a new job at Infinity
2. Shelby got pregnant
3. Kenzie turned 2
4. Kenzie started preschool
5. Shelby went back to work full time at Accenture
6. Shelby was put on bed rest for last 6 weeks of pregnancy
7. Tanner got a big promotion at Infinity
8. Carson Tanner Sheehan was born in the ice storm on 1/13/2011
9. Carson was diagnosed with acid reflux - here we go again
10. Shelby took over the blog
Please stop back by often to see what is going on in our lives. I promise I won't let another year go by without blogging! I want this to be a place where all our family and friends can keep up with our lives and see our family grow.
The next few posts are going to be a blast of pictures to get everyone up to date with how our family has grown and how we have all adjusted so far in 2011. Enjoy!
1. Tanner got a new job at Infinity
2. Shelby got pregnant
3. Kenzie turned 2
4. Kenzie started preschool
5. Shelby went back to work full time at Accenture
6. Shelby was put on bed rest for last 6 weeks of pregnancy
7. Tanner got a big promotion at Infinity
8. Carson Tanner Sheehan was born in the ice storm on 1/13/2011
9. Carson was diagnosed with acid reflux - here we go again
10. Shelby took over the blog
Please stop back by often to see what is going on in our lives. I promise I won't let another year go by without blogging! I want this to be a place where all our family and friends can keep up with our lives and see our family grow.
The next few posts are going to be a blast of pictures to get everyone up to date with how our family has grown and how we have all adjusted so far in 2011. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Carson can see!
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