The full meaning of this title and picture cannot really be understood unless you have been around Carson. For those of you who haven't, the boy is super strong for a two month old. He is always arching his back and throwing his head back and refuses to bend normal, especially when you are trying to bend him over or lean him on your shoulder to burp him. This sounds like a mad baby or baby that is in pain, but he is typically very happy and still does this even when looking around the room or trying to get a glance of the ceiling fan.
In this pic, you might think I am throwing him up or bending his body to stick out - nope, none of the above. All I am doing is holding his little body to where any normal baby would hang down, dangling feet towards the floor. Not Carson. He arches his back so much and becomes stiff as a board that his whole body sticks out stiff and parallel to the floor. Like I said - light as a feather, stiff as a board.
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