Monday, October 27, 2008

Burt's Farm

On her 3 month birthday we took Kenzie to Burt's Farm, the pumpkin capital of northeast Georgia. Activities included sitting on giant pumpkins, sitting on small pumpkins, standing on pumpkins, sitting on the ground in front of pumpkins, and a hayride. Kenzie conducted herself very well under the cold and windy circumstances. A little freak-out at the very end was the only peep we heard out of her, and that was to be exepcted after all of the pumpkin-related activities we put her through.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A New Pair of "Shoes"

Kenzie notices her nifty foot rattles.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Her Sunday Best

Those onesies can get so old and they're not flattering if you have chunky thighs like Kenzie, so every now and then we'll throw a dress on her and take her out on the town. Here's a picture of her watching her favorite soaps before we left the house.

"Not Now Mom, I'm Watching TV"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Test Drive in the Bumbo

Rather unassuming in it's appearance (a pink rubber blob), the Bumbo is a miracle of science and technology as it allows babies to sit up at a much younger age than they otherwise would. The only requirement from the child is decent head control/neck strength, and the Bumbo takes care of the rest. Kenzie uses hers to watch tv, stare at her feet, and to free up her hands so she can stuff them in her mouth. (Note: you're not supposed to sit them on countertops like we did, but we were watching her closely).

I'm also thinking of just cutting a hole in the bottom when potty-training time comes around. The Bumbo continues to amaze.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Future of UGA Cheerleading

Kenzie and her friend Ava broke out their officially licensed Georgia cheerleading uniforms for the Arizona State game. Their cheers weren't exactly coherent - mostly just a lot of staring and whimpering. Things started to go downhill when Ava decided to reclaim her bow from Kenzie's head, but they shared a laugh when they admitted to each other that they had each wet their diaper. That's just a reminder to us that we need to start teaching sportsmanship at a very young age.

The View is Better from Up Here

Kenzie decided to hop up on the counter to get a better look at the happenings in the kitchen.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am Absolutely STUFFED!!!!

After 5.5 ouces of formula her stomach begins to protrude slightly.