Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snowstorm 2010

We had almost three inches on snow in early February and Kenzie had a blast playing in it. If the annual snowfall keeps up at this rate, Kenzie will have seen as much snow by the time she turns 4 as we had by the time we turned 30.

Happy Birthday Ava!

Kenzie celebrated her playmate Ava's birthday in late January. Her nanny Miss Nina made cupcakes and then let the little ones go to town. The pictures really highlight the excellent table manners we've instilled in her over the last year and a half.

There is Definitely a Fascination with Shoes.

Kenzie puts on shoes whenever she gets the chance. It doesn't matter whose thy are, she will put them on. Oddly enough, she seems to know when they're on the wrong foot and will change them around if they don't feel right. What's even more odd is that she doesn't mind when one of them turns around backwards (3rd picture). Apparently that's way more tolerable than having the left shoe on the right foot.