Saturday, May 28, 2011

If they were born at the same time, they'd be twins!

So I was at the doctor yesterday getting Carson's ears checked because he has his first cold and even the nurse says "oh my goodness, he looks just like his sister" and Kenzie wasn't even with me! I figured it was time to post some comparison pictures so everyone can see how similar they really look as babies. I call them our little twins. Sometimes when I look down at Carson, all I can see is Kenzie when she was a baby. Carson has about 5 pounds on her at this age and a lot less hair, but their little eyes, noses and mouths look just alike. I am not sure how long it will last, but l love their precious baby faces just how they are right now!

(I am having issues with one pic showing up in the slideshow - just click on the first picture and it will bring up picasaweb and you can see all the pics there)